Low Vision Care
We are a nationally recognized optometric practice that has specialized in vision rehabilitation for over 40 years. Our doctors are leaders in low vision care for patients with macular degeneration, Achromatopsia, and visual impairments from stroke or other brain injury. They regularly see low vision patients from throughout the United States and around the world. Our Indianapolis and Fort Wayne clinics are international centers dedicated to low vision care.
We have developed innovative programs in the rehabilitation of visual field loss, helping patients with Achromatopsia overcome their debilitating glare and light issues, improving the quality of life for patients with macular degeneration and helping those with vision loss use special telescopic eyewear to drive. Our staff strives to provide the newest technology for our patients. We have assisted thousands of patients of all ages have more productive lives.
Low Vision Defined
Low vision is a partial loss of sight. It is often a loss of visual acuity or sharpness of vision, but may also be a loss of side vision due to retinal disease, stroke or traumatic brain injury or extreme difficulty with light and glare. Low vision exists when a person's functional vision cannot be adequately corrected with eyeglasses, contact lenses, medication or ocular surgeries.
Our low vision care does not cure the cause of vision loss, but rather utilizes the patient's remaining vision to its fullest potential. Low vision care does not replace the need for concurrent treatments and surgeries for the ocular condition.
Common Causes of Low Vision
- Macular Degeneration
- Albinism
- Retinitis Pigmentosa
- Hisoplasmosis
- Glaucoma
- Diabetic Retinopathy
- Achromatopsia
- Retinopathy of Prematurity
- Cone Rod Dystrophies
- Toxoplasmosis
- Optic Atrophy
- Optic Nerve Hypoplasia
- Nystgamus
- Eye Injuries
- Inoperable Cataracts
- Stroke
- Head Injury
- Brain Tumor
- Leber's Optic Atrophy
Low Vision Care
Our doctors are among the most experienced in the world in prescribing
eyewear and low vision devices for the visually impaired. Today a wide range of new and exciting options and technologies are available to help patients read, drive, work and watch television.
Visit Our Other Websites for More Low Vision Information
Visit our websites below to learn more about our practice and our speciality work in low vision care for the visually impaired.
The Low Vision Centers of Indiana
Visit our low vision website for information about various eye conditions including macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, retinitis pigmentosa, Stargardt's, Achromatopsia and more.Additionally, our practice helps treat patients who have visual problems from stroke or traumatic brain injury. Our Low Vision Centers in Fort Wayne and Indianapolis, Indiana help patients from all over the United States and the world who have suffered from vision loss. This site educates patients and their families about their condition as well as low vision care. This site highlights many low vision devices to help those who are visually impaired. Devices include magnifiers, video magnifiers (CCTVs), microscopes, telescopes, bioptic systems, visual field expanders and more.
Bioptic Driving USA
Our doctors have specialized in helping those with visual impairments become licensed drivers using a special telescope/eyewear system called a bioptic. Bioptic driving allows mildly impaired patients, whom normally would not qualify for a regular driver's license, use a bioptic system to spot traffic signs and street lights at a distance. Bioptic driving is available in most states. This website discusses bioptic driving and the training needed in order to becoe licensed. It also have patient stories about what bioptic driving hs meant to them.
Our doctors have worked with stroke and traumatic brain injury patients for over 25 years. A hemianopsia is a loss of half of vision in both eyes to either the right or left side. Thsi loss can be very devastating to patients as it can cause them difficulty in mobility including running into objects and tripping over things. Additionally, they are constantly being startled by others showing up from their blind side. This site discusses all the aspects of hemianopsia and treatment options available. Our doctors use special prismatic eyewear to shift the image into the patient's remaining visual field to help the patient get a better understanding of their position and whereabouts.
Low Vision Gateway
The Low Vision Gateway is an information portal for low vision resources on the Internet. It links you to other websites which contain information on various eye conditions, low vision and blindness resources. This is a good place to start researching eye conditions and what can be done to help.